Water & Sanitation Dept to Open Sluice Gate After Vaal Dam Breeches 100% Mark

Following heavy downpours, the Water and Sanitation Department has announced that it will open one sluice gates at the Vaal Dam after it reached capacity.
The Vaal Dam surpassed the 100% mark and recorded 107% full on Sunday morning.
The department said the opening of the sluice gate follows consistent heavy rains over the last two weeks in the catchments supporting the Integrated Vaal River System and the Orange River.
The Department said it will continue monitoring the System and might open more sluice gates if the rains continue and the heavy inflows persist.
“It is important for all the farmers and other communities downstream of the dam to move their equipment away from the expected heavy flows, as well as ensuring that no one takes a chance to cross low-lying bridges that could be flooded.”