International Islamic Fiqh Academy: “Vaccination Against COVID-19 is Permissible According to Sharia Law”

Faizel Patel – 09/09/2021
While there has been much deliberation and doubt about taking the COVID-19 vaccine among many religious groups, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has shared information that vaccination against the Coronavirus is permissible according to Shariah law.
In a poster shared on social media last month, the WHO says that according to the International Islamic Fiqh academy that taking the jab against the virus is within the confines of Islam.
Answering a question on the permissibility of being inoculated, the WHO says none of the six vaccines with its emergency use listing contains animal products or components of animal origin in the final vaccines product.
Last month the Jamiatul Ulama South Africa in a statement said the Islamic faith recognises science and medicine as fields of study that have contributed to the advancement of general welfare and the improvement of the human condition.
The Jamiat said the pandemic has affected all aspects of people lives and that their livelihoods are also at risk.
“On the continent, vaccines have been part of a successful public health response in the eradication of such diseases as polio and smallpox. In order to restore normalcy in our lives, including the manner in which we traditionally worship, our Council supports vaccines that are safe, effective and wholesome.”
Responding to questions about vaccination from ACDP leader Kenneth Meshoe in Parliament earlier this month, President Cyril Ramaphosa said those who refused to get vaccinated were also violating the rights of others.
Ramaphosa had a word for Meshoe, telling him to stop telling people not to get vaccinated.
“Those leaders, like Reverend Meshoe, should desist from discouraging people from vaccinating and claiming bible verses.”
Ramaphosa clarified that no one would be forced to get vaccinated but those who had been inoculated had a right to feel safe.