Google’s Gmail Undergoes Makeover with New Features

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Google has announced it is introducing a new, integrated view for Gmail, making it easy to move between critical applications like Gmail, Chat, and Meet in one location.

The company made the announcement in a blogpost on Tuesday. 

Google said while users can opt-in to test the new experience, allowing them to try it out and become more accustomed to it they can revert to classic Gmail via settings. 

Some of features of the new Gmail includes a new navigation menu which allows you to easily switch between your inbox, important conversations, and join meetings without having to switch between tabs or open a new window. 

Notification bubbles make it easy to stay on top of what immediately needs your attention. When working in Chat and Spaces, you can view a full list of conversations and Spaces within a single screen, making it easier to navigate to and engage. 

Google said when working in your inbox, you’ll be able to view the full array of Mail and Label options currently available in Gmail today. 

Google said in the coming months, you will also see email and chat results when using the search bar, making it easier to find what you need by eliminating the need to search within a specific product.

Google began rolling out the update for personal and domain users in February, and the change should reach all Gmail users in April.

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