Vodacom Making Strides in the Fight Against GBV

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Vodacom says it remains committed to the ongoing fight against gender-based violence. 

The mobile giant in support of the 16 Days of Activism against GBV held its annual Walk for Good on Friday for South Africans to take a stand against GBV. 

This year the event took place virtually, where participants at any location dedicated their walk to the campaign.  

From data in the latest Trialogue Business in Society Handbook, 51% of South African women admit to having experienced GBV, while 30% have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace. 

The publication highlights that GBV costs the country R28 billion a year, equivalent to 1% of the GDP.

Vodacom’s Takalani Netshitenzhe says the company remains committed to the ongoing fight against GBV. 

“Through this event, we want to not only raise awareness about this ill plaguing our society but mobilise communities across the country to actively participate in the fight to eradicate violence against women and other vulnerable groups in society, including children, the elderly and people with disabilities.” 

The Vodacom Foundation also recently launched the #SeeRedFlags campaign to help women recognise the harmful behaviours of abusive partners and encourage them to seek help. 

Vodacom’s zero-rated Bright Sky app is also an example of the impact mobile technology can have. 

This app is free to download for users, instantly connecting them with support and educational services. Bright Sky is also accessible to users without a smartphone or internet connection – A USSD protocol allows users on any cell phone can dial *120*4004# to give them inclusive access to Bright Sky’s services

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