UN Chief Antonio Guterres Warns Violations of Palestinian Rights Puts Two-State Solution at Risk


As the world marked International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, United Nations Chief Antonio Guterres has warned that persistent violations of the rights of Palestinians, along with the expansion of Israeli settlements, risk eroding the prospect of a two-State solution. 

Guterres’ message comes ahead of a special meeting held in New York on Monday to discuss the unresolved question of Palestine and the Palestinian people’s inalienable rights.  

The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People is observed annually on or around 29 November, solemnly commemorating the adoption by the Assembly, on 29 November 1947, of resolution 181 (II), which provided for the partition of Palestine into two States. 

Guterres says despite being ‘encouraged’ by recent engagements between senior Israeli and Palestinian officials, “containing the situation is not sufficient”. 

He reiterated that the overall goal of two States living side-by-side in peace and security remains. 

“This includes fulfilling the “legitimate national aspirations of both peoples, with borders based on the 1967 lines and Jerusalem as the capital of both States”. 

Guterres called on the parties to avoid measures that would undermine the chances for a peaceful resolution of the conflict and urged the parties to engage constructively “to end the closure” of the Gaza strip, and improve the living conditions of all Palestinians who continue to live under occupation. 

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