Two Women Hijacked in Separate Incidents in Lenasia

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Two women have been hijacked in separate incidents in Lenasia, south of Johannesburg. 

In the first incident, a man and his wife were accosted by a group of suspects in extension 3. 

The police’s Bafana Ndimande said the man was waiting for his wife to arrive home when the criminals pounced. 

“Suddenly, a silver BMW 3 Series with unknown registration number stopped behind his wife’s car. Two unknown males held his security guard at gunpoint and they approached him. They demanded money from him and took cash, and other items to an undisclosed amount of money. They took his wife’s car keys and drove away with her motor vehicle, followed by a getaway, Silver BMW 3 Series.” 

In a separate incident, a woman was hijacked in extension 1 by a group of unknown criminals.

Ndimande said the woman was waiting for her husband to lock up their home when a Silver BMW with an unknown registration number stopped behind her car.

“The males were in possession of firearms and they pointed at her. They ordered her to get out of the car. They jumped into her car and drove away with it and followed by a getaway silver BMW.” 

It is unclear whether the same suspects were involved in both hijackings. 

Ndimande said police are investigating two cases of car jackings. 

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