Still No Word on Moti Brothers as Youngest, Zidan Turns 7-Years-Old on Sunday


Sunday 7 November will mark 18 days since the Moti brothers were kidnapped in Polokwane and to date there have been no clues to their whereabouts or that of the criminals who abducted the siblings. 

The Moti brothers, 15-year-old Zia, 13-year-old Alaan, 11-year-old Zayyad and 6-year-old Zidan were kidnapped on 20 October after the car they were being driven in en-route to school was cut off by two others along the Tzaneen bypass before seven heavily armed men dressed in white overalls made off with the boys.

National police task teams including private Polokwane based security companies are working around the clock and are following up on a number of leads doing all they can to determine the whereabouts of the siblings.

Members of the Muslim community in Cape Town held a prayer on Thursday for the speedy and safe return of the four missing Moti brothers 

The youngest of the brothers, 6-year-old Zidan will be turning a year older tomorrow. 

In a tweet, RoekshanO tweets that Zidan’s birthday is on Sunday. 

“Our little angel Zidan turns 7 tomorrow under such horrible circumstances. Please send our kids back home please. Oh Allah we beseech Thy help send our beloved boys back home now.” 

In another tweet, Secretary General of the Jamiatul Ulama South Africa and esteemed Islamic scholar Ml Ebrahim made dua that the boys will be recovered. 

“Our Duaas and support with you and the family. Hope we as a community could do more. Allah return them safely.” 

The Moti brothers parents Nazim Moti and his wife Shakira have thanked South Africans for their support and prayers and have urged people to continue praying for the safe return of their sons.

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