Stats SA Employs 165,000 Data Collectors for Census in February 2022


Stats SA has employed 165 000 data collectors for the duration of the census

The Portfolio Committee on Public Service and Administration (PSA) was briefed about the once in a decade count on Thursday which had to be postponed this year due to the local government elections.

The census is the most important measure of the country’s human capital as it helps to compile a numerical profile and other demographics including social and economic information.

The committee noted that R413 million budgeted for the census in 2021 will be rolled over to the next financial year. 

“Stats SA informed the committee that lockdown restrictions impacted on their training programme for the data collectors. Nonetheless, Stats SA affirmed its readiness to conduct the census, which will happen in February 2022.” 

The official date for the commencement of the census will be gazetted and proclaimed by the Minister of the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation. 

The temporary employees will use three multimode methods to gather data: face-to-face, computer-assisted and telephonic interviews.

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