South African Muslims Can Now Check Hajj Waiting List Position if Saudi Arabia Allows Hajj for Broader Muslim Community

The South African Hajj and Umrah council (SAHUC) has created a Dynamic registration portal for Muslims to check their position on the waiting list for Hajj in 2022.
Sahuc said while there has been no official communication from Saudi Arabia, there is anticipation that the Kingdom will be opening Hajj for the broader Muslim World, after 2 years of COVID-19 restrictions.
Sahuc said positions in the queue are not finite and can change due to queries being attended to while reminding Muslims that the portal is not an accreditation list.
It says the exercise helps in sanitizing the list with a view that it can fill whatever quota is allocated to South Africa as soon as possible.
“Covid-19 has placed strain on the queue and has increased the backlog. We therefore urge all applicants to please view your place in the queue and if you cannot participate in this seasons Hajj for whatever reason, please inform SAHUC soonest so that we can move your application to a year in the future.”
The portal is available on the SAHUC website:
Applicants may view their place in the queue under the tab “Dynamic registration portal”.
To access your place in the queue, either enter your application number or ID number in the spaces provided
Sahuc said an accreditation list will only be released after it receives official notification from the Hajj and Umrah Ministry regarding Hajj 1443.