Samsung’s Biggest Announcements & Reveals at CES 2020




Samsung has kicked off the first Consumer Electronic Show of the new decade in Las Vegas by announcing the beginning of a new era of technology.

Led by HS Kim, President and CEO of Consumer Electronics Division, Samsung introduced a wide range of innovations designed specifically for this new era with the hopes of enhancing people’s daily lives, homes and cities with more seamless and meaningful experiences.

 To illustrate how Samsung is working to deliver on that mission, Kim spotlighted innovations that demonstrate “the next level of personalized interaction.”

One of the most exciting products of Samsung’s human-centric approach to innovation involves vision to create robots that act as personal life companions.

Kim was joined onstage by a robot designed to help you around the home. The company says it made Ballie to understand and support your needs: Essentially, it can run your smart home for you.

The rolling robot is also designed to act as a fitness assistant and has a “mobile interface” that looks for ways to improve your life as your needs change using its built-in AI.

A demo video showed Ballie opening smart curtains and turning on the TV for a dog when its human was away from home. It also called a robot vacuum into action after it noticed a spill.

Samsung also introduced enhancements to Samsung Health that leverage AI to offer users more personalized care.  The company also discussed it’s efforts to revolutionize digital healthcare by partnering with industry leaders like Kaiser Permanente.

With smart home Samsung discussed futuristic innovations and transformations of kitchens where appliances will be your cooking partners – like a personal chef, a nutritionist, and a shopping assistant, all in one.

The Family Hub refrigerator will be able to order ingredients online as it prepares “intelligent food playlists” for you, while Samsung’s new, self-contained growing station “puts garden-fresh produce on your table every night,” and Bot Chef provides an extra pair of hands in the kitchen.

Senior Vice-President and Chief Design Innovation Officer of the Samsung Design Innovation Center Federico Casalegno described how the living room of the new smart home is set to become “an actual community where we interact with people around the world.”

“Expansive, 5G-enabled displays in this next-level living room will become “windows to the world,” connecting loved ones as if they were in the same room.

Emily Becher, Senior Vice President and Head of Samsung NEXT Global, laid out an inspiring vision for cities in the Age of Experience. In a smart city, she explained, smart buildings will “anticipate and adjust to your needs,” and will be designed with sustainability in mind, too, “doing much more while producing lower emissions.”

Before closing out the keynote, Kim took a moment to reaffirm Samsung’s commitment to a critically important issue both now and going forward: Data security

 Describing data security as fundamental in the Age of Experience, Kim reiterated Samsung’s pledge to safeguard users’ privacy by securely managing their data from the moment they provide it until its disposal.

“As an industry leader, our commitment to data security will never waver.”

Kim followed up that pledge by reaffirming another commitment that has guided Samsung’s innovation for years – a commitment to using technology to do good.

He described innovations like Relúmĭno, which was created to help the visually impaired see more clearly, GEMS, which helps the elderly and disabled move more comfortably, and IGNIS firefighters save lives and stay safe while doing so, as products of this commitment.

Kim also underscored a key pillar of Samsung’s CSR vision by announcing the expansion of the Samsung Innovation Campus.

 Building on the success of the many educational programs that the company has run over the last decade, the Samsung Innovation Campus offers young people training on the latest AI, IoT and cloud technologies.

Kim proudly revealed that the program has reached 20,000 students in 13 countries since its launch in 2019, and will double in size this year. By equipping future generations with the skills they’ll need to meet tomorrow’s demands, Samsung hopes to empower young people to achieve more and create a better world.

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