Sahpra Approves Pfizer Booster Shot for People over 18


The South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (Sahpra) has approved the use of a booster shot of the Pfizer vaccine.

Sahpra on Wednesday approved the additional jab only for those who have already received the Pfizer vaccine.

The Pfizer vaccine is done in two parts and the booster will be administered to people 18 and older at least six months after the second dose has been received.

Sahpra explained that people aged 12 years and older who have severely compromised immune systems can receive the booster at least 28 days after their second jabs.

“The data provided only dealt with the situation of homologous boosting, where the third dose is of the same vaccine as the initial course [in this case, two doses].”

Sahpra said it is aware of the keen interest in the efficacy and safety of heterologous boosting regiments , so-called ‘mix and match’ approaches and invites submissions of supportive data in this regard

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