Rocketnet Fibre Launches First for SA Live Internet Status Updates

Fibre service provider Rocketnet has launched a live network update feed to keep its customers in the loop if there is a problem with their fibre connectivity.
While internet outages are not a regular problem in the country, it does leave users frustrated, especially those working from home following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Users also grapple with long queues when logging calls for fibre outages and getting information with regards to why there was a loss in connectivity.
Rocketnet’s Simon Swanepoel says the company saw a need for clients to be informed when there is an interference with their internet connection.
“In line with our value of transparency, we developed a South African first RSS feed with live status updates of the major South African networks. If your internet goes down, you can visit this feed from your phone if necessary and have a look at exactly where and what the faults are.”
Customers who are on Vumatel, MetroFibre, FrogFoot, Octotel or LinkLayer can view the status of their internet connection at anytime by clisking on this link: