Ramaphosa: South Africans Must Guard Against Efforts to Diminish Democracy


President Cyril Ramaphosa said the protection of the Constitution, democracy and state institutions are paramount to the safeguarding of South Africa’s hard-won freedom. 

Ramaphosa was addressing the nation through his weekly newsletter ‘From the desk of the President on Monday. 

The president reflected on the fire that ravaged parliament, the attack on the Constitutional Court and the release of the first tranche of State Capture Report. 

Ramaphosa said the fire at Parliament was an important reminder of the need to strengthen and defend democracy. 

“We may not always recognise it, but the fire at Parliament demonstrated how strongly South Africans feel about their democracy. It is a reminder also of how important it is that we work to strengthen and defend that democracy.” 

Speaking about the Zondo Commission Report, Ramaphosa said the report paints a deeply disturbing picture of how key institutions of our democracy were compromised and undermined with criminal intent.

“The findings and recommendations of the Zondo Commission will help the country to rebuild these institutions and to hold those responsible to account. We must ensure that we use them to safeguard these institutions into the future so that they may never be captured again.” 

Ramaphosa said while the country has many challenges Government must confront and work to rebuild and recover from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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