Political Party Leaders Sign Coalition Agreement to Ensure Better Service Delivery

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Political Party leaders from the Democratic Alliance (DA), ActionSA, Freedom Front Plus (FF+) , Inkatha Freedom Party, African Christian Democratic Party  (ACDP) and the Congress of the People (COPE) have signed the coalition agreement that has established multi-party governments in hung councils across the country.

The agreement successfully formed coalition governments in all three Metro Municipalities in Gauteng to keep the ANC out of government. 

Multi-party governments were established in 22 municipalities across the country. 

The leaders of the coalition partners committed themselves to the formation of a responsible coalition which will act in the best interest of citizens.

Each coalition has committed to a culture of accountability, transparency, and good governance to be the foundation of all work performed in the municipalities and forms the core for the programs of government in each of the municipalities which will set the objectives and priorities for service delivery.

All the political parties involved also committed to ensure stable and successful governments in the interest of all residents. 

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