MTN Introduces Compulsory Vaccine Policy, Workers Not Exempted May Lose their Jobs


Mobile service provider MTN says it will implement a mandatory vaccination policy for staff in South Africa and other major operating markets from January 2022.

In a statement, MTN says it recognises the right of employees to apply to the exempted from the policy on certain clearly defined grounds.

It further says for those staff who are not exempt from vaccinations either through risk assessment or agreed exclusions but still refuse vaccination, iy will not be obliged to continue the employment contract.

Ralph Mupita, MTN Group president and chief executive officer says the science on vaccination is clear. 

“Vaccination against COVID-19 reduces rates of serious infections, hospitalisation, and death. As an employer, we have a responsibility to ensure that our workplaces are guided by the highest standards of health and safety, and that has informed our decision to make COVID-19 vaccination mandatory for our staff.” 

Meanwhile, President Cyril Ramaphosa and the National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC) will meet this week to discuss a report from the task team set up to explore vaccine mandates.

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