Moti Brothers Found Safe & Reunited with Their Family


It has emerged that the Moti brothers have been found safe and reunited with their family.

The Moti brothers, 15-year-old Zia, 13-year-old Alaan, 11-year-old Zayyad and 7-year-old Zidan were kidnapped on 20 October after the car they were being driven in en-route to school was cut off by two others along the Tzaneen bypass before seven heavily armed men dressed in white overalls made off with the boys.

A message being circulated on social media says the Moti brothers parents Naazim and Shakira Moti are overjoyed by the return of their four sons.

A person close to the family confirmed to Wired2News that the Moti brothers have been found safe.

It is believed that the information is also being widely circulated on Polowkwane WhatsApp groups.

Naazim and Shakira have thanked all those who have assisted in the search for their children.

“We thank Almighty Allah for accepting the our prayers and the prayers of so many in South Africa. We wish to express our sincere gratitude to South African Police Services, our political parties, the media, all the social media influencers and everyone who prayed for the safety of our children. We are thankful that they were set free and when we received a phone call to fetch the children we rushed to the scene full of hope. All of South Africa supported us and we want to thank one and all for their support and kind prayers.”

Naazim and Shakira say they are looking forward to healing as a family and will appreciate some privacy for a while and will talk to the media within a few days. 

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