[LISTEN] Lenovo Aims to Inspire in 2020 With Innovation Including Collaborating with Ducati

Pic: Visor Down


Pic: Visor Down


Tech company Lenovo has a number of innovative products up its sleeve including a collaboration with Italian motorcycle company Ducati.

Lenovo recently launched their new range of notebook computers calls ThinkBook to compete in the the SMB market.

Lenovo says it was pertinent for the SMB market to have a laptop that was good looking and packed with technology but not over the top so that they could keep a certain cost in line.

However it’s the new products that Lenovo will be unveiling this year that have garnered a lot of interest.

Yugen Naidoo, Consumer Lead at Lenovo Southern Africa says consumers can expect a lot more innovative technology from the company.

“You’ve about CES in Las Vegas, which is the Consumer Electronics Show and what we have done as Lenovo, for the last three years, we’ve actually managed to take the most awards in that show. So what that shows you from an innovation perspective, Lenovo as an IT brand is leading world-wide.”

To find out what else Lenovo will be unveiling this year including the Ducati range, click on the link to listen to the podcast.





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