[LISTEN] Do You Really Need Google or Android Playstore if You Have a Huawei Smartphone? Huawei’s Akhram Mohammed Answers

Huawei has not let politics affect its dream and strive for innovation.
The company has launched some phenomenal products with innovative technology that is a cut above the best of the competition.
However, politics does creep in and despite new advances in technology, people have become mundane to the usual not realising that fresh new ideas and platforms can be on another level altogether.
The complacency of users “needing” Google or the Android Playstore is the mundanity that has become overwhelming.
The question is, do you really need Google? Huawei manufacturers phenomenal products, but users are haunted by the “No Google and No Playstore monster.”
So, do you really need Google or the Playstore?
This is what the Chief Technology Officer of Huawei Akhram Mohamed had to say.
Now make that leap and see the innovation in Huawei technology.
Listen to the interview with Akhram Mohammed