Kashmir Right to Self-Determination Day: Pakistan PM Imran Khan Calls on International Community & UN to Take Action Against India

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan said the International community, especially the United Nations must take action on India’s war crimes and crimes against humanity as Kashmiris continue to reject and resist the Indian occupation and oppression.
Khan was commenting on the occasion of Kashmir’s Right to Self-Determination Day on Tuesday.
The Kashmir Right to Self-Determination Day is acknowledged annually on 5 January.
It was on this day in 1949, when the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) passed a resolution supporting the Kashmiris’ right to decide their future by themselves through UN-sponsored plebiscite.
To mark the Day, various activities including rallies, seminars and conferences are held across the world to remind the UN that it must implement its relevant resolutions to settle the Kashmir dispute to save the Kashmiris from the Indian brutalities.
Khan said Pakistan remains steadfast in its commitment to the just Kashmiri struggle for self determination.
“The UNSC commitment of a UN-supervised plebiscite in Kashmir remains unfulfilled as the Hindutva Modi government brazenly violates UNSC resolutions, international humanitarian laws and International conventions including the 4th Geneva Convention and commits war crimes by seeking to alter status & demography of Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).”
The special meetings on Tuesday will also highlight the importance of early grant of the right to self-determination to the Jammu & Kashmir people which was being suppressed and denied by India for over last seven decades.