ITV Ordered to Pay More than R600K in Outstanding Salaries to Staff


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The Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) has ordered the Islamic TV Foundation (ITV) to pay more than R600,000 in outstanding salaries to staff members. 

The  ruling was handed down on Friday by Commissioner Faizel Mooi.

The complaint to the CCMA was raised by disgruntled staff members who were not paid their salaries from about September last year. 

According to the ruling, the staff argued that they signed contracts wherein they were to be paid a monthly salary, and despite this, ITV CEO Dr Adam insisted on paying them according to time sheets, which was not part of their contracts. 

“It is common cause that most of the applicants did not hand in time sheets for September 2021.” 

Adam argued that the staff did not recognize him as CEO, (a point conceded to by the applicants) and as he was not in the office he implemented time sheets to see who was doing their work and who was not. 

“He argued that as the applicants did not fill in time sheets that he was not obliged to pay them from September 2021. He furthermore argued that the applicants were not entitled to payment as they were on strike, which was denied by the applicants.” 

Commissioner Mooi ordered each of the staff members is entitled to payment of their outstanding salaries from September 2021 to January 2022. 

The Islamic TV Foundation must pay the amount within thirty days from 31 January 2022, but no later than the 2nd March 2022.

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