How a Smart Wearable can Measure your Blood Oxygen Saturation (SpO2)

With the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become vital to check your oxygen saturation (SpO2).
If you find you’re always getting tired, sleepy or a bit dizzy, it could be because you’re not getting enough sleep, but it may also be due to low blood oxygen saturation. SpO2 indicates what percentage of your blood is saturated with oxygen, which tells you how well your red blood cells carry oxygen.
As a vital sign, blood oxygen saturation is an important physiological parameter reflecting respiratory and circulatory function.
Generally, most children and adults do not need to worry about their blood oxygen levels, but since the coronavirus pandemic, SpO2 readings have become more useful than ever.
As the virus causes lung damage and weakens the lungs’ ability to supply oxygen, doctors have come to rely on SpO2 as an important indicator of health, along with body temperature.
At a U.N. briefing in Geneva, WHO spokeswoman Margaret Harris said: “…COVID-19 patients at home should have the use of pulse oximetry, that’s measuring oxygen levels, so you can identify whether someone at home is deteriorating and would be better off having hospital care.”
A pulse oximeter shows the percentage of oxygen in your blood as an SpO2 reading. It also measures your heart rate. You might recognise such a device if you went to a doctor and they placed one on the end of your finger
For someone who’s healthy, the normal blood oxygen saturation level will be around 95–100%.
If the oxygen level is below this, it can be an indicator that there is a respiratory problem, which is what COVID-19 affects. Also the levels will be low if you have breathing problems or chest pain.
But a pulse oximeter is a non-sustainable measure, inconvenient and not very quick if you want a fast measure anytime and anywhere. However, the Huawei Band 6 also has this technology that allows you to read your SpO2 levels.
When comparing the two devices, the Huawei Band 6 is a much better choice, at an affordable price of R1,699, offering you 24/7 monitoring of your blood oxygen saturation levels.
The Band 6 is available at the Huawei Store (Online) and other major retailers.