Has the Humble Islamic Scholar Lost the Plot?





I have nothing against Islamic scholars and have the utmost respect for some of them as they impart knowledge that is beneficial and have the ability to spiritually uplift a down trodden person or Ummah. 

However, there are some Aalim’s that even after years of studying the Islamic sciences, have failed to implement the beauty of Islam in their own lives.

This is a sad reality that I refused to believe, but no matter how much I or anybody else may try to deny or even sweep it under the carpet, the moral degradation of these esteemed personalities is prevalent for all to see and that is very frightening and worrying.

In an age where the Muslim Ummah needs spiritual upliftment and voices of reason to form strong bonds of unity, the conduct of some Islamic scholars leave a lot to be desired and makes one wonder how they will answer for their atrocious behaviour to the Supreme Being above.

Besides the notorious Majlis who has denigrated esteemed Muslim scholars with the most expletive and ugly words that leave you shocked and can’t believe that one could express such horrid sentiments about a fellow Muslim, there are others that have just “totally lost the plot” so to speak.

Like “The Maj” I’ve had my fair share of vitriol spewed at me. In retrospect, I’ve experienced the dark and ugly side of these Islamic scholars that supposed to be emanating knowledge and light.

Without going into much detail, I had a Qari swear me F’s & B’s and call my wife the most ugliest of names because I wrote a story about him being reported missing and attaching his photo which was being widely circulated at the time.

When I confronted him about his despicable behaviour and language, he retorted saying Aalims have a right to defend themselves and can use foul language. Is this true?

In another incident, an Aalim stormed my place of work hurling accusations at me in front of my colleagues when he hadn’t even got the facts of the story straight.

I wish I could have named & shamed him, but I won’t stoop to his level. This Moulana even freakin fought with our receptionist accusing him of lying saying he didn’t want to put calls through to me.

There are a number of incidents like this that I and many people have experienced and even witnessed. If I had to write a story for every email I’ve received from people that complain about Islamic scholars, I will be kept busy writing for a long time.

The question is where do these Islamic scholars come from?

They really embarrass and make fools of themselves and the religion that they preach and supposed to practice as set out in the holy Qur’an and the greatest human to have ever set foot on this earth.

I do not have anything against Islamic scholars. As a matter of fact some of the most esteemed Aalims, without naming them are my friends and I’ve learnt tons from them including using their lectures and advices sharing it with others whether on air, in person or in company.

It’s a sad reality that we live in and I do hope it’s only a temporary issue that can be resolved. I do hope that these Islamic scholars revert back onto the path of benevolence and see that being an Aalim is more than just being ugly to people.

It’s about having the moral obligation and responsibility that weighs a ton, studying for years, to teach and set examples and assist those that are misguided to revert back on to the straight path. But most of all, to ensure that the Ummah is united instead of divided.

While I am not an Islamic scholar, I do believe that for the Muslim ummah to strengthen the current force of unity, we need to go back to the basics and that is salaah and ensuring we uphold it tenets.

Nabi (SAW) had warned that if we do not fill the sufoof correctly, entirely, then what would happen is, our hearts would become disunited. This is something that would lead to major problems within our own ranks and we do not want to go down that route.

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