Gauteng Health Dept Condemns Robbery of COVID-19 Vaccination Team in Tshwane


As the country continues to battle the COVID-19 pandemic, a group of suspects have robbed the Tshwane Health District vaccination team at a pop-up vaccination site next to Rivoningo Primary School in Soshanguve. 

It is understood the Gauteng Health Department’s partner Pulse Health team were providing vaccinations on Friday when they were accosted by five criminals. 

The perpetrators fled with vaccination programme gadgets consisting  of two mobile tablets and five cellphones belonging to the team.

The Gauteng Health Department has condemned the robbery when the country is working around the clock to vaccinate residents. 

Spokesperson Kwarra Kekana said the matter was reported at Rietgat police station and a case opened. 

“The continued attacks on mobile vaccination teams, who are taking the vaccine programme to the community are not only putting the lives of healthcare workers in danger, but they have negative impact on the vaccination programme.”

Kekana said none of the team members were harmed and counselling will be provided to the affected staff.

In December last year another mobile vaccination team was robbed at gunpoint at a pop-up vaccination site in Wonder City Taxi Rank in Soshanguve.

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