Fatih Seferagic Finds Love and Marriage in Lenasia


Hafez Fatih Seferagic the world-renowned Holy Quraan reciter has traversed vast boundaries and plains to fulfill a sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He recently completed half his Imaan (faith) by getting married to Safiyya Kara, a girl originally from Lenasia (Lenz), south of Johanneburg in South Africa.

The nikah (marriage ceremony) of Safiyyah and Fatih took place on Wednesday the 14th of August at the home of Saffiyah’s parents in Ormonde, south of Johannesburg and has created a lot of interest within the community of Lenasia and surrounds.

On Friday 16th August Sefargic performed Jum’uah at Masjid Saliheen in Lenasia Extension 13. The masjid was filled to capacity; all wanting to get a glimpse of a person that renders the Qalam of Allah with a voice that is simply and just absolutely beautiful.

The world-renowned hafez (one who memorized the Holy Qur’an) is of Bosnian descent, but was born in Germany and moved to the USA at the age of 4 years old. He lived in Baltimore, MD for 7 years where he completed Hifdh at the Islamic Society of Baltimore under Shaykh Qari Zahid & Qari Abid.

Seferagic moved to Dallas for 10 months to study classical Arabic at Bayyinah’s Dream program.

Speaking to Radio Islam’s Faizel Patel, Seferagic recalls as a child how his mother made him memorise the Holy Qur’an from morning to evening and how he hated it. He said that it took him 16 years to realize that it was all worth it.

Seferagic’s beautiful and melodious recitation of the holy Quraan emulating Sheikh Mishari bin Rashid Alafasy has captivated and mesmerized Muslims throughout the world. His fame and synonymy has not changed him in the least bit and he remains a humble person with a constant remembrance of Allah.

“One thing I always appreciate when I travel is that whenever I’m in some far away place, by myself, where I have no one, I can just stand and pray to Allah because I know He’s always there. Always takes the feeling of loneliness away from my heart.”– Fatih Seferagic

Seferagic said he told parents of children how all children love to play and no child wants to sit down for hours everyday to memorise the Holy Qur’an.

The young hafez (one who memorizes the Holy Qur’an) urged parents to keep on encouraging the children and not to give up on them. “It’s a battle worth fighting for and the victory at the end is worth it all,” he said.

Seferagic currently lives in Houston, Texas as a student and a Qur’an Teacher and youth leader at Shyakh Yasir Birjas’ masjid. He intends to go to Medina University to specifically study the Holy Quraan.

He also sees himself following the path of Nouman Ali Khan, a founder and CEO of Bayyinah, as well as the lead instructor for a number of Bayyinah courses including the ‘Fundamentals of Classical Arabic’ and ‘Divine Speech’

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