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A week ago nobody in South Africa knew who Shakeel Cassim, known as Chicky Lamba was.

Yet after a week, Chicky Lamba, Ziyaad Janoo, Shakira Janoo, Ahmed Gani Amisky have resonated from every nook and cranny making them household names.

Wherever you go, whether it’s to the shopping mall or family gatherings, the conversation always turns to Chicky Lamba.

An expletive video showing Chicky Lamba, Ziyaad Janoo & John Van Wyngaardt spewing threats & severely assaulting Aadil Osman a businessman from Durban over a supposed love triangle, propelled the so called Godfather to extraordinary levels of fame and synonymy spawning countless of Chicky Lamba memes:

“Chicky Lamba can pay the full Nkandla money with spare change”

“You know why there is a sandstorm in Joburg? Cause Chicky Lamba is emptying his back pocket in Pretoria.”

And the list goes on.

The video went viral after it was posted on social media platforms before grabbing mainstream attention when comedian Riaad Moosa posted it to Facebook on Friday.

But why the hype?

Maybe South Africans are sick, tired and totally bored of Oscar Pistorius, Shrien Dewani, the EFF Battle vs the ANC or even Nkandla for that matter and want some other juicy news stories to occupy their feeble minds and to chew on, and along comes Chicky Lamba, the cardboard gangster from Pretoria.

Maybe South Africans are just fed up with crime & the nonchalant rogues who want to take over our communities and neighborhoods, saying enough is enough.

The mafia in the video who supposedly runs Pretoria is laughing all the way to the bank and not only because he has more money than “you and your father put together” but also everybody now knows who Chicky Lamba really is.

Before his debut in the vitriol video in what a friend is parodying as his Bollywood movie starring Shah Rukh Khan as Aadil, Amitabh Bachan as Jaanoo, Govinda as Chicky Lamba in “Kabhi Bushy Laudium” with the “Seh Sha Ba Sha Ba” as a soundtrack, Chicky Lamba was nobody and as rare as water in the Sahara.

So braazo, you can put him in the bush if you like but Chicky Lamba is here to stay, for a while at least anyway, and will collect his IIFA award no doubt until the next big thing arises from the doldrums of who knows where.

Chicky Lamba, the so called desperado and gangster that runs Pretoria and some other provinces in South Africa as depicted in the video has become the laughing stock and the target of ridicule. And while he claims to be the Godfather with his slick hairstyle, Cuban cigars & expensive toys, he has just become with his foot soldiers a Piñata for everybody to take a shot at, and they are whacking him left right and center, gangster or not.

Assault on the other hand is no laughing matter and let us hope that such behaviour by a group of spoilt rotten brats who have nothing to with their time and money and who come from well respected homes threatening others as they see fit to do doesn’t go unpunished.

While the world attended the 35th Annual Crime Stoppers International Conference in Cape Town last week promising to blow the whistle on crime and red card criminals, the time has come for such outlandish thuggery to be stopped before the gun that’s being shoved in someone’s face actually goes off if it hasn’t already.

Plato said: “Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws.”

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