Another Business Robbery in Lenasia as Crime Continues to Spike

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Crime continues to spike in Lenasia after another business robbery.

In the past week, there have been a number indents reported, including hijackings, house robberies and scamsters preying on the poor and vulnerable.

In the latest incident, armed criminals robbed a business in Lenasia extension 6.

During the week, at least seven cars were been stolen from a dealership in Lenasia, extension 9 after a group of armed suspects stormed the dealership on Monday and demanded the keys to the vehicles.

On the same day, a courier van was robbed in Lenasia extension 10, while two women were also hijacked in separate incidents extension 1 and 3.

Residents have expressed deep concerns about the escalating crime in the suburb urging police, community policing forums and ward councillors to take a more proactive approach, while at the same time urging the MMC for Safety and Security for the city of Johannesburg David Tembe to assist the community in curbing crime.

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