City Power to Investigate Cause of Fire at Lotus Substation near Lenasia

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City Power said it will be launching an investigation into a fire that gutted the feeder board on one of the transformers at the Lotus Substation near Lenasia just after midnight on Thursday.

Environment Infrastructure Services Department MMC Michael Sun visited the damaged substation on Friday which plunged most of the area into darkness. 

Affected areas included Zakariya Park, Vlakfontein, Hospital Hills and parts of Lenasia South.

City Power’s Isaac Mangena said investigations will determine what caused the blaze.

While we suspect that the fire was caused by lightning, we are however conducting an investigation to determine if there was any foul play.

Mangena said officials are currently cleaning the equipment at the Lotus substation to prepare them for testing.

“City Power team is  determined to remain  at the substation  through the night and throughout the weekend until every single  customer that  has been affected by this outage has been re-connected back to the grid.”

Mangena said City Power is aware of the inconvenience the power outage has caused  to customers and has apologize for  the inconvenience.

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